Supporting a coordinated, quality, person-centered, and trauma-informed system of care that promotes autonomy, education, and support for people who use drugs and follows the Principles of Harm Reduction. 

The Northern Nevada Harm Reduction Alliance (NNHRA), formed in 2022, is a collaboration between people with lived/living experience, harm reduction, treatment, outreach, and public health practitioners and researchers. NNHRA is a nonprofit organization and its purpose is to promote and foster respect, acceptance, and dignity for people who use drugs and sex workers by recognizing the inherent worth and value of each individual person adding to the community essence; and shifting the narrative community-wide. 

Our Organization

We strive to serve people who would benefit from harm reduction approaches and services to reduce sexual and drug-related health harms, prioritizing people who are most marginalized, criminalized, and targeted by the racist, classist, and gendered War on Drugs.


NNHRA strives to create a safer community by empowering individuals to make informed choices, expanding harm reduction education, overdose prevention, drug trend surveillance and notification, soft tissue infection prevention, outreach, and linkage to person-centered services that support the health and well-being of people who use drugs (PWUDs) in Northern Nevada.

What we need…

Our organization needs community support to begin distributing safe-use supplies. We are looking for people to help us get off the ground. 

Please consider becoming a financial supporter or joining our alliance!

Want to work for NNHRA?